Our twelve year total raised during Giving Hearts Day is $132,216 -
dollars generously donated that have positively impacted the
Cando/Towner County area!
Keep the Impact-Cando Connection Fund in mind when you
feel the need to give and you will receive a
warm feeling in your heart...guaranteed!
The Impact-Cando Connection Fund announced the continuation of designation opportunities for the 2023 Giving Hearts Day Event, as well as a $300,000 Fundraising Mark Reached Drawing that included all donors to the Giving Hearts Day 2023 event, and we are happy to announce the winners of each designation opportunity below:
*PLEASE NOTE: All designations must be made to a Cando-area nonprofit, governmental, or educational entity approved by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
1. CANDO Strength in Numbers GHD Designation: WINNER: First State Bank of Cando, Cando, ND - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from group/business donors giving $250 or more to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
2. CANDO Caring Heart Family/Individual GHD Designation: WINNER: Rep. Kathy Frelich, Devils Lake, ND - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from families/individuals giving $100 or more to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
3. CANDO Inside the Lines GHD Drawing Designation: WINNER: Kathryn Cartwright, Cando, ND - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from donors living within a 250-mile radius of Cando, ND who gave to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
4. CANDO Outside the Lines GHD Drawing Designation: WINNER: Trent and Heidi Witthoeft, Charlotte, NC - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from donors living outside the 250-mile radius of Cando, ND who gave to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
5. CANDO Pioneer Heart GHD Drawing Designation: WINNER: Sig and Bella Bjornstad, Cando, ND - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from donors who have given during all eleven prior Giving Hearts Day events and who gave to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
6. CANDO Tender Heart GHD Drawing Designation: WINNER: Mary Martin, Rock Lake, ND - $500 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner from donors who gave their first donation to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event.
$300,000 Fundraising Mark Reached GHD Drawing Designation: WINNER: Gabrielle Miller, Gilbert, AZ - $1,000 Impact-Cando Connection Fund designation* by the drawing winner chosen from all donors giving to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund during the Giving Hearts Day 2023 event, which contributed to the fund surpassing $300,000 raised since inception of the fund.
Congratulations to all the designation opportunity winners!
To have your contribution matched on February 9th:
♥Go to www.givingheartsday.org ♥Click on the Giving Hearts Day “Donate” button ♥Then scroll to or search “Impact - Cando Connection Fund” or "Cando Connection Fund" ♥Click the “Donate” button.
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It is with a great deal of excitement, gratitude and humility that the Impact-Cando Connection Fund is announcing an additional designation opportunity for Giving Hearts Day on Feb. 9th!
We are inching up to $300,000 raised since the launch of the fund in 2008, and are fairly certain that we will cross that milestone during this year’s Giving Hearts Day event. To celebrate, we will be drawing a name from all people who donate to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund for the Giving Hearts Day event for a $1,000 designation opportunity to benefit a qualified Cando/Towner County, ND area charitable organization. It has taken, quite literally, hundreds of donors and gifts - 1,849 gifts from 319 donors, which includes $7,921 from in-kind gifts, to reach this significant fundraising bench mark. The Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board Members extend their heartfelt thanks to all the donors, sponsors, golfers, in-kind donors and all who have so generously contributed through sharing their time, talent and treasure since the Fund's inception.
Over $283,000 through 170 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grants to 19 Cando area charities have had an impact - exactly as they were intended. The charitable organizations who have received grants include the following: Cando Area Food Pantry, Cando Arts Council, Cando Audi Theatre, Cando Baseball Association, Cando Community Library, Cando Fire Department, Cando Golf Club, Cando Hockey Arena, Cando Park Board, Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc., Heartview Foundation - Cando, Northstar Public School Foundation, Towner County - 4-H Council, Towner County Ambulance Service, Inc., Towner County Community Foundation, Towner County Historical Society, Towner County Living Center, Towner County Medical Center, and the UFFDA Fund for Animals. For a complete listing of all of the Impact-Cando Connection Fund grants, please click on the Grant Awards tab of our website. If you are one of the donors who have helped the Impact-Cando Connection Fund reach the $300,000 mark, thank you so very much!
Public Giving Sites in Cando, ND on Giving Hearts Day!
The following locations will provide an opportunity for you to participate in this 24-hour online event should you not have internet access:
Cando Lutheran Church - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon First State Bank of Cando - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. North Star Public School - Nancy Reiser - 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cando Community Library - Hannah Alto - 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Double your gift by supporting the Impact-Cando Connection Fund on Feb. 9th, 2023!
♥ The Impact-Cando Connection Fund supports nonprofit entities in the City of Cando and the surrounding area.
♥ Contributions help Cando/Towner County area people and programs.
♥ All contributions must be made online at www.givingheartsday.org within the 24 hours of February 9th.
♥ Minimum contribution of $10—Maximum contribution...unlimited.
♥ All contributions of $10 or more, up to $3,000, will be matched by our Match Partners (listed below).
♥ All contributions are tax deductible.
♥ Bonus—A warm feeling in your heart - Guaranteed!
♥ The Impact-Cando Connection Fund will also accept checks of $10 or greater, made payable to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund for this event. Checks accepted for the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event must be dated February 9, 2023 or earlier and need to be mailed prior to the Giving Hearts Day event to the following address:
Attn: Cynthia J. Eggl
Impact-Cando Connection Fund
2701 12th Street South, #14
Fargo, ND 58103
Help us thank our Match Partners by making this a successful event and contributing on Giving Hearts Day!
Bravera Bank
Cynthia J. Eggl, Author of "Boundless Blessings and God's Grace"
Jill Eggl Lighting Design Studio, LLC
First State Bank of Cando
First United Bank
The Q Restaurant - R.J. and Katie Miller and Family Nicholas Farms
Nodak Insurance Company - Jeff Miller, Agent
Rusty and Neva Papachek and Family Troy and Cindy Senger Traynor Farms - Pat and Jamie Traynor Family 281 Spirit Shop - Chad and Jo Staus Wilson’s Body and Paint David and Marie Wolsky
P.S. Remind all of your Cando Connection friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email or a phone call! Then join us on the Cando Connection Facebook page for updates on our fundraising efforts!
| Cando Connection
